Hip joint arthroplasty: early rehabilitation through Tecartherapy

The study demonstrates the efficacy of Tecartherapy in reducing post-operative pain in patients who have undergone surgery for hip endoprosthesis. The decrease in pain allows to recover the joint mobility in a short time and with a high compliance by the patients.
Abstract A study was conducted on a sample of 73 patients who had undergone hip arthroplasty surgery, treated with Tecartherapy in the postoperative period. The data analysis showed that in most patients an immediate and long-lasting analgesic effect was obtained, the ROM increased significantly, doubling or tripling the degrees of flexion and the skin temperature significantly decreased already from the first sessions. Therefore, the use of Tecartherapy can be quite rightly included among the conventional methods employed in rehabilitation treatments for patients operated for hip arthroplasty both for the effects obtained on tissues and for the accelerated functional recovery with an excellent compliance of the patient
Source: A. Alberti & C. Fusi, Artroprotesi coxofemorale: riabilitazione precoce mediante Tecarterapia, Il Fisioterapista, Jan-feb 2011, pp. 75-80

Tecar therapy in post-surgical treatment of femur fractures

This study shows the efficacy of the treatment with HCR 901 in reducing pain and oedema at the thigh muscles in patients who underwent surgery following femur fracture. Patients were discharged after 7 days.
Abstract The aim of the study is to evaluate the efficacy of Tecartherapy with HCR 901 in supporting the standard rehabilitative protocol in the post-surgical treatment of femur fractures. 30 patients were divided into two groups: in the first one the patients underwent treatment with Tecartherapy together with the standard rehabilitation protocol; in the second group only the latter was performed. Pain (by means of the visual analogue scale - VAS) and oedematous thigh imbibition were measured by considering the circumference of the femoral quadriceps of both lower limbs. Patient discharges took place on average after seven days and then they returned to the clinic for a maintainance treatment. Regarding the pain, in the group treated with Tecartherapy a statistically significant reduction was recorded in the fourth and seventh day. No significant reduction was documented in the control group. As regards oedema, the lower increase measured in the Tecar group compared to the control group showed a statistical significance.
Source: A. Terranova et al, Tecarterapia nel trattamento post-chirurgico delle fratture di femore, EUR MED PHYS 2008;44(Suppl. 1 to No. 3)

Long-term follow-up of two continued series of young athletes after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with hamstrings treated with electromagnetic waves, Tecartherapy device

The treatment with Tecartherapy allows the athletes who underwent anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction to rapidly get back to sport activity, by eliminating oedema and pain in a short time.
Abstract For this purpose, two different groups of athletes have been evaluated: 20 patients were treated with Tecartherapy and standard physiotherapy from the first day after surgery to the twentieth week; 10 patients, representing the control group, were treated with standard physiotherapy only. We have evaluated the subjective pain through the Visual Analogic Scale (VAS), oedema and inflammation through leg circumference and the proprioceptivity through stabilometric platform (KAT 2000). Our findings pointed out a reduction of inflammation, pain and oedema, and an improvement of proprioceptivity. These elements allow a quicker mobilization, a recovery time reduction and a faster return at the previous sport level.
Source: P. Bottiglia Amici Grossi et al, Studio sperimentale: tecarterapia. Confronto tra due serie continue di giovani sportivi sottoposti a ricostruzione del legamento crociato anteriore SICOT/SIROT 2008 XXIV Triennal World Congress

TECAR in plastic surgery: preliminary results

This preliminary study shows the efficacy of Tecartherapy in acting on superficial and deep scars due to surgery. The technique is well accepted by patients and has no side effects.
Abstract Scars are an unavoidable consequence of plastic surgery. Tecartherapy treatment allows to reduce the oedema after a surgical injury and to reduce the stiffness of the fibrotic tissue in correspondence of skin scars and to decrease the tissue compactness in the deep scars. This allows to obtain a beneficial effect on the consequent secondary contractures of the soft tissues. The treatment is also safe, easy to use and to learn and allows for complete patient compliance.
Source: G.S. Toussoun et al, TECAR in chirurgia plastica: risultati preliminari